Ethic statement

Code of conduct for creating a safe and open working environment

The International Symposium on Dental Morphology (ISDM) and International Association for Paleodontology (IAPO) are committed to providing a safe space for all of our members regardless of age, ethnicity, race, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disabilities, religion, or marital status.

Due to the universality in professional training and networking in our academic disciplines, we view our symposia, field excursions and symposium dinners as extensions of the workplace environment. As such, all institutional rules regarding appropriate behaviour apply in these contexts, as does this ISDM and IAPO statement. The International Symposium on Dental Morphology and International Association for Paleodontology will not tolerate harassment in any form.

Our goal is to foster a culture that creates a safe and open working environment at our symposium meetings for all. ISDM and IAPO are not adjudicating bodies; however, ISDM and IAPO will appoint two Ombudspersons who can be consulted in anonymity. The Ombudspersons will help to seek out appropriate authorities with which to file claims of any form of harassment and assault. Typically, the line of formal complaint is through the home institution of the accused. All members should make themselves aware of the appropriate processes at their home institutions as well as the areas (i.e., legal jurisdictions) where meetings, field excursions, symposium dinners and places where any other business is conducted.



The role of the Ombudspersons is to act on behalf of the participants of the ISDM and IAPO tri-annual meetings in matters relating to misconduct in the framework of the symposium. The Ombudspersons can be contacted at any time or approached during the meetings to give advice on certain issues of academic and personal misconduct or to approach the board with grievances on behalf of the participant if they so wish. In all cases, any consultation with an Ombudsperson comes with an assurance of anonymity unless or until consent is expressly given.

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